Friday, January 15, 2010

Electric Shavers Vs Razors

Have you battled between the 2? If you are like most other men out there I am sure you have! I know I have bounced back and forth. I just wanted to take a moment and share with you some of the pros and cons of each so that you can maybe make an educated decision on which one would work best for you!

First we will look at Electric Shavers!
There are several advantages electric shavers have over the good ole razor. It is definitely more convenient to have an electric shaver. It takes much less time to shave your face. It is also mobile! Which means you are running late to work you can always have one stashed in the car so you can shave on the way to work or the safer method just shave in the bath real quick when you get there. Shaving and driving don't always mix well. Another advantage of electric shavers is that you aren't always having to replace blades and what not. If these advantages look good to maybe an electric shaver is what you need.

There are also several disadvantages to electric shavers. Some say they don't shave close enough! Some peoples skin is more sensitive and they irritate it. It is an electrical device which means that it can have problems if not properly maintained. And replacement parts can be kind of pricey.

Nest we will take a look at the good ole razor blade!
Many people prefer razors over electric shavers because they get you a much closer smoother shave. They are also very simple to use no electronics or anything that could go wrong or break. Some people have sensitive skin that an electric shaver will irritate real bad.

Razors are very sharp! You may cut yourself if you are not careful with what you are doing. Razors are not as mobile as electric shavers therefore it is not as convenient you can't just whip at a razor anywhere and give yourself a quick shave! You also have to constantly replace the razor heads with new ones because they dull quickly.

So if you are busy on the go professional I feel electric shavers will meet your needs better, however if you are someone who is quite detail oriented and wants things done precisely you may like using the good ole razor better! But its your decision! I recommend trying both and seeing which one fits you better!

Source for the best mens shavers [].

Mens Electric Shavers | Men's Electric Shaver

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